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Data Privacy Services: Data Privacy Control Assessment

Eric M. Wright CPA, CITP 

Is your Data Privacy program effective? Regardless of whether your data privacy program was recently established or tenured, it’s important to assess its ongoing effectiveness in today’s ever-evolving technological world. The evolving technology landscape is placing more pressure on organizations to not only understand but effectively manage data security and privacy, which is the top technology challenge organizations face today.

However, it is critical to understand the difference between data privacy and security. Security strives to safeguard data, whereas privacy strives to safeguard a person’s identity. Therefore, these are not one and the same and rather you need both to be effective in helping protect your organization and its most critical data assets. While good cybersecurity is important, it doesn’t address all privacy risks.

Our audit approach not only takes into account the IT landscape for the lifecycle of personal data, but also the business landscape to ensure the IT and business strategies align from the collection, transmission, storage, disposal and overall protection of this personal data throughout its lifecycle.  We also ensure we understand the industry and regulatory compliance requirements of the organization within our approach, as we know there is not a one-size-fits-all solution to data privacy.

Additional Schneider Downs Data Privacy Services

Business Process and Data Flow

A critical component to understanding how an organization’s data (oftentimes consumer data) travels throughout its lifecycle is to develop business processes and data flow diagrams. Learn More

Data Protection Impact Assessment 

A Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) is a process to help identify and minimize data protection risks to an organization. Learn More

NIST Privacy Framework Compliance

The NIST Privacy Framework is intended to be leveraged as a foundation to help organizations identify and manage privacy risk to build innovative products and services while protecting individuals’ privacy. Learn More

Privacy by Design

Our approach to Privacy by Design ensures that privacy and security controls are aligned with an organization’s tolerance for risk, its compliance with regulations, and its commitment to building a sustainable privacy-minded culture.  Learn More

Privacy Regulations and Compliance

Prepare your organization for compliance with data privacy regulations including GDPR, CPRA, CCPA, New York SHIELD Act, GLBA and HIPAA. Learn More

About Schneider Downs Data Privacy Services

At Schneider Downs, our IT Risk Advisory Practice has a team of professionals who specialize in data privacy. Our team not only understands the evolving data privacy regulations but also the technologies that allow for opportunities to enable controls in the effort of reducing and protecting the data footprint and ongoing risks of non-compliance.

Learn more about our Data Privacy Services or contact us for more information.

Learn how we’ve Solved Big Problems For our clients

Big Problem: Company Impacted By Ransomware.

Big Thinking: Restore System On-site And Avoid Six-figure Ransom.

Read Case Study

Big Problem: Inefficient Tax Credit Realization.

Big Thinking: Identified A $900,000 Tax Credit, Nearly Twice As Much As Prior Years.

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